Wishes and conditions

Rental price

Rental price on request based on the terms and conditions to be agreed. Any user wishes from the logistics process relating to the building can be discussed.

Service charge

To be agreed.


The starting point is a rental price subject to VAT. If a tenant does not meet the criteria set for taxable rental, the rent will be increased in such a way that the financial disadvantage suffered by the landlord is fully compensated.


Annually, as of January 1, based on the change in the monthly price index according to the consumer price index (CPI) series CPI-All Households (2015 = 100), published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

Rental term

Minimum 5 years.

Extension period

With subsequent periods of 5 years.

Notice period

Minimum 12 months.


Rent, service costs and VAT per quarter in advance.


Bank guarantee of three months’ rent and service costs plus VAT, subject to tenant’s financial well-being.

Contract type

Rental agreement based on the standard model of the ‘Raad voor Onroerende Zaken’ (ROZ), 7:230A BW model February 2015.


In further consultation.